Lost by Motionhouse – contemporary dance
I love dance. Obviously I do otherwise I’d not have set up this blog. But while I might love dance, there’s certain genres I’ll enjoy watching more than others.
I was brought up watching and doing ballet, loved musical theatre, and I’ve done lots of partner dancing. I’ll happily watch whatever dance movie is on. But the one genre that’s passed me by is contemporary dance. Like modern art, it’s just not really grabbed my attention unless it’s been via a dance tv show where it’s a more accessible for a non-dancer audience.
However, this weekend I was at the Feast weekend at Waddesdon Manor. Over the weekend there were various displays, shows and activities, and amongst the quirky theatre was a contemporary dance duet from Motionhouse dance theatre called Lost.
Luckily I could hang around until the afternoon to watch it and I’m glad I did. I think since I’ve had my son, I’ve become more emotionally involved with things I’m watching and reading. Lost really was a moving piece and beautifully danced.
Lost is a male-female duet, and explores the physical and emotional process and thoughts of being lost. It’s signature is the complex lifts with an athletic slant to the piece. It certainly challenges the dancers in the piece, for the 9 minutes it’s on.
As Motionhouse state, Lost’s “sensual connection between the two dancers is fused with raw emotion as they desperately fight to pull each other back from the precipice, just catching each other before they fall. The breath-taking lifts and instinctive quality of the dance make Lost an intimate, dramatic and passionate work”
I found it breath-taking to watch. If not just for the variety of lifts, but the whole immersive experience of standing so close to the dancers. Being outside in midsummer gave it a more raw feeling than it would have done had it been performed inside.
I often think that watching argentine tango and blues can feel a bit intrusive and voyeuristic when the dancers are so into the dance and engrossed in each other as they dance. Lost also gave that feeling, that as an audience we were watching emotional turmoil between 2 people, which maybe should have been a private encounter. The music used was also dramatic helping you feel part of the dance.
Maybe Lost has changed my mind about contemporary dance, maybe it being short and sweet helped. Or maybe I’ve just grown up and experienced more in life to connect to a less ‘pretty’ style of dance.
If you get the chance to see the Leamington Spa based Motionhouse, then if Lost is anything to go by, you should check it out.
Let me know below
Are you a fan of contemporary dance? Have you seen anything from Motionhouse before?