

9 simple ways to get your dancing mojo back

Talking to other dancers recently, it seems that many can find their interest and enthusiasm for dance wane, and have lost their dancing mojo.  I have to admit it’s not something I’ve experienced – I’ve been able to maintain my love for dance, although there are some days that going out just proves too hard….

Are dips and drops needed to make a good dance - What about dance
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Do you need lifts, dips and drops for a good dance

When I first learnt to dance ceroc 8 years ago, the big aim always seemed to be learning dips and drops.  I think we all saw people doing them and thought, wow they’re great dancers, I’d love to learn those.  And men did throw them in quite frequently on the freestyle dance floor.  Of course,…

Is dancing all glitz and glamour on the dancefloor - Bubbablue and me

Is dancing all glitz and glamour on the dancefloor?

When someone mentions dancing what images does it conjure up? Dad dancing at a wedding? The glamour of the 1940s Hollywood films with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire? Cool and funky street dance / pop videos Immaculate and elegant ballerinas? The showy and glitzy props of Strictly Come Dancing? Outwardly dance is seen as a…

Do modern jivers need good dance technique

Do modern jivers really need great dance technique?

I remember having a conversation years ago with a salsa friend who was surprised I’d not been invited to join the performance group she was in.  ‘Your dance technique is so much better than mine. I might be better on the performance side but my technique is sloppy compared to yours’. We both had a…