hints and tips

what happens on a modern jive dance weekender - What about dance

What really happens on a dance weekender

I previously shared why everyone should go on a dance weekender or congress.  Now I’m sharing what actually happens on one.  Obviously everyone’s experience is different but after going on both Ceroc Escape weekenders, and Jive Addiction and Midland Swing weekenders, I can certainly share from my point of view. For those who have no…

Dance weekenders and why you should go - What about dance (1)
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The dance weekender – why you should go on one

Since starting back dancing again, I’ve not been on a dance weekender.  With a child it’s unlikely to ever happen given weekends are the only time I get to spend with him with work and school.  So I stalk social media for all the talk about weekenders instead. If you’ve not yet popped your weekender…

Is dancing all glitz and glamour on the dancefloor - Bubbablue and me

Is dancing all glitz and glamour on the dancefloor?

When someone mentions dancing what images does it conjure up? Dad dancing at a wedding? The glamour of the 1940s Hollywood films with Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire? Cool and funky street dance / pop videos Immaculate and elegant ballerinas? The showy and glitzy props of Strictly Come Dancing? Outwardly dance is seen as a…