What’s in my dance bag for a modern jive night
Social dancing like modern jive doesn’t need specific clothing or footwear meaning it’s really accessible. Take a look at what’s in my dance bag
Social dancing like modern jive doesn’t need specific clothing or footwear meaning it’s really accessible. Take a look at what’s in my dance bag
One of the reasons I love where I live is because it’s so easy and quick to drive to a lot of places. Within an hour I can be in about 7 counties. So while there are no modern jive classes in my nearest towns, with a 45 minute drive I can be at any…
For those new to modern jive, here’s a simple A-Z of modern jive. Hopefully it’ll provide a guide and glossary on what to expect once you start to dance. Arm-ography – with modern jive being a fusion of many dance styles, and being a partner dance, connection through the arms tends to be the main method…
I wrote previously about my thoughts on how to be a good dance partner. This post covers in more detail the how to be a good leader, focusing on modern jive, but easily transferable to other social dances like salsa, west coast swing and others. While some might say, pah she follows, what would she…
Since starting back dancing again, I’ve not been on a dance weekender. With a child it’s unlikely to ever happen given weekends are the only time I get to spend with him with work and school. So I stalk social media for all the talk about weekenders instead. If you’ve not yet popped your weekender…
Some people think it’s a terrible habit to chat away on the dance floor. But does it really matter? Generally it doesn’t bother me. Modern jive (and west coast swing) is a social dance after all. I think it’s good to get to know the people you’re dancing with week in week out. However there…
As soon as we start at modern jive (although more so Ceroc) classes, it’s drummed into you that all requests to dance should be accepted. Coming from a clique-iness of salsa where I found it really hard to get a dance at freestyles even with 2 ½ years of dancing behind me, I was in…